31 October 2010

The Folk Club, Celebrations, Batons, The Cup and More

Friday October 30th - auspicious enough date for a music session in Newport, though indeed not just music. Lots of familiar faces and plenty of new ones, guitars, fiddles, bass, lap steel guitar, mandolins, tin whistle and few tapping feet and a baton ............

Celebrations? Lovely that the October session coincided with Greg O'Leary's birthday (numbers less important when over 50) and we all sang and cheered to wish him well for another grand year of music making in the Newport Area. Greg's contribution to the cultural life of Newport has been magnificent and we are very lucky to have him as a member of the folk club. Three Cheers!

Baton? It is only recently that the Newport Bush Orchestra has mused that sometimes, it would be useful to have a conductor. Catherine Tomkins leapt at the apparent void (or into?) and declared that this was a role that she would like to take on. So on Friday night the folk club presented her with a fully professional conductor's baton and asked that she demonstrate her newfound skills. Catherine was slightly embarrassed at first, but after 'Happy Birthday' had been played with such style, she was ready to take on a few NBO tunes, providing clear directions re tempo, intonation to all and sundry (but particularly to Greg O). Well done Catherine - you have always conducted yourself with such enthusiasm for the music, we look forward to hearing you lead the NBO from time to time.

While we are on the baton, wiki dates the use of the baton back to the 16th Century by nuns in San Vito Lo Capo but it really became fashionable after Jean-Baptiste Lully was conducting 'a Te Deum' on 8th January 1687. He was beating time with a long staff (as was the custom) and hit his toe. The toe developed an abscess ( which he foolishly didn't treat), then it became gangrenous (which he refused to have amputated) and so he died just 2 month later on March 22. The baton was then seen as a much safer option!

The Cup? Melbourne Cup season brought out some equine poems from Dave and Jackie, with Jackie and props performing her 'Phar Lap the Wonder Horse'. We were swept up with the ascent and came back down to earth with the sad descent of our most famous horse. Bravo Jackie!

WHat else? Lots of good music, poetry, new connections a cup of tea and a biscuit with Terry as always in charge of the kitchen. A lovely evening of people forming a community around music. See you at the end of November for the final session of the year.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

nice day emmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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