25 May 2009


The Newport Bush Orchestra have a reputation that is spreading far and wide. After a successful year - appearing at 3 festivals, 2 bush dances and lots of smaller gigs, the NBO looks set to enhance it reputation as a truly international bush orchestra this year. Apart from playing at the Colonial Bush Dance at the Substation as part of the festival (Saturday July 4, 7.30 - dress 1880's style) they are now fielding enquiries from the other side of the globe. Yesterday they got an email from Anjo, Japan (Hobsons Bay's sister city) asking for a cd of their music and an instuctional video so that the good citizens of Anjo can learn the steps of the Australian bush dances. Bloody marvellous - we can just imagine the revellers hunting down their op shops to find appropriate gear and then get into the heel and toe polka. Neil Jolly is not in the photo - apparently he was heading off to Japan to call a dance next week (actually it might be next month by the time he swims all the way there (without a gps). Remember to say Konichiwa before each dance Neil. For those of you who can't get the Japan, the NBO will be at Polly Woodside this weekend, Federation square in June and of course at the the big Newport Folk Festival . The organisers of the event are pretty confident of getting a crowd - the Bush ORchestra is the crowd? Anyone interested in joining this now internationally recognised group can contact Greg O'Leary on greganol@optushome.com.au. Its good clean fun and you get to choose your own outfit!

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