23 November 2013

Music On Mason: The Newport Bush Orchestra Brings the Sunshine

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1 comment :

Newport Fiddle and Folk Club said...

Music On Mason
Thanks to all for coming.
The Saturday weather was incomprehensible, even for Melbourne. i left home in shorts and a sun hat and had to go back to get long johns and a parka. For people to come out and sit through that was impressive. As usual the bush orchestra outnumbered the audience, although it was pointed out to me the bowlers behind us were shaking their booty in time to our music.
i have to say it was not one of our greatest performances ,but considering the leader (me) had brainfade after brainfade and continually dreamed of food ( I am currently on a fast/feast diet and it was a fast day on Sat) as well as yearning to be back in my warm bed, i reckon we did good. Kerry astounded all with his perfect Fandango and even stood near a microphone. Veronica has complete mastery of the airbow, we all managed to smile as evinced by the blog piccies and mainly we remembered mosy of the tunes in bits and pieces. Technically, it could have been a tad better, but the vibe as always was 110%. Thanks to you all Greg

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