In the brave first position we had the pictured young man. He opened the night with gusto and two original songs.
Next was our very own Bill. Warm and engaging, with a fabulous voice.
Alan wheeled out his usual style and panache, with some excellent tunes. (Including a Dylan number, always an perfect choice).
We stopped for a short break, dining on home made bread, hommus, cheese and home grown tomatoes.
We exchanged chook raising stories and gardening tips. I think some people were talking about music too.
We exchanged chook raising stories and gardening tips. I think some people were talking about music too.
Newcomer Shane jumped in boots and all. He had us all at hello. The whole room was singing along, breaking out into harmonies and stamping our feet.
Bruce's amazing guitar/mandolin/banjo work didn't go un-noticed. While he was up there strutting his stuff Rob jumped on board.
Rob's oh-so-low bass voice had us all a-quiver.
He did some show and tell, and played for us the pictured instrument. Sorry Greg, can you help me here? Can't remember its name. But it was most impressive.
My favourite of his exhibits was a goat's tonails shaker. And I checked, it really is made of goats tonails! It makes the most beautiful chime. Unfortunately my camera battery died, so I didn't get a photo, but it was gorgeous!
We all left the hall on a high note. A great start to 2011.
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