31 May 2010

A Week in Newport: What happened to Days 5 and 6?

Time travels so quickly some times that the end of the week whizzed by. Thursday in Newport is the night for the Newport Barbershop Chorus. The hearty, lusty sound of 8 mature lads testing learning new songs, new harmonies to old songs, and telling stories from life at land and sea is always a source of great pleasure and entertainment (that was day 5). Day 6 started with council workers erecting flags at the Melbourne Rd end of the Westgate Bridge, and at the west end of North Rd, advertising the Newport Folk Festival (July 2 3 4). The last 2 years many people said after the festival "We didn't know it was on'. This year it won't be the case for anyone who crosses the bridge in the next month. Waiting at the lights there is nothing better to do than look at the billowing flags proudly announcing the folk festival (we will see).
Anyway Friday night (day 6) was down at the community hall -must have been about 40 people all ready with songs and instruments at hand to play and sing together. Some solo artists, a young fiddler (Jack) of note who lead the session, some stories and jokes, tea and a couple of biscuits were all the ingredients needed to entertain one and all. Gone are the days when each person got to sing 4 songs - with the growing crowd there is time for one tune each, and then it is a case of take any opportunity to join in the spontaneous outpourings of the spirit through music. Good for the soul. By 11 pm all had had their fill and time for the caravan to move on to ..................

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