"The Newport Fiddle & Folk Club can trace its humble
grassroots beginnings around founder & director Michael Stewart’s
kitchen table. They were just a handful of music loving locals who felt
the need to play & share their music..."
That's the first paragraph of an article published in The Westsider recently, written by our own Chris Philllips. Yay Chris, thanks!
Read the full article.
15 October 2015
22 August 2015
Choir at Jack Madigan Reserve re-opening
Two years ago the choir sang at a community rally to support the remediation of Jack Madigan Reserve, which had been closed for almost a decade due to subsidence and soil contamination. Hobsons Bay Council has since done the remediation and re-landscaped the park, and we were delighted to sing at the official re-opening. The lyrics to this song were written by Mark Fawcett, to the tune of Woody Guthrie's This Land is Your Land.
09 August 2015
Folk to Classical video
If you missed Folk to Classical at the Festival, here's a video. Just a couple of tunes to showcase what we achieved. Put together the Newport Strings, Newport Bush Orchestra and local composer Silas Palmer and the result is fantastic. That's Silas at far left, at the piano. Some of the NBO are off-camera but you sure can hear them.
13 July 2015
'Elizabeth' by Richard McNeill
Richard gave his permission for us to post his words on hearing of Elizabeth passing away:
I'm so sorry to hear the news. My heart goes out to Cam and all of us, and to all who knew her.
I can't be here to be with all who knew her, and to celebrate her life as she would want us to, and I will miss her keenly - we all will.
There's nothing I can say in a considered way, except to echo what everyone else will already know - that she made a statement with everything she was to us, that reminded us of the better things, the hopeful things, the brighter things of life, and that this is a terrible, tragic irony.
I intend to remember Elizabeth as a person who gave us all a greater appreciation of life and fun, and I do hope that what I have written below does not seem stilted and self-conscious -
I thought at the time … "who is that woman with the Nemo bag?"
As a tangle of unfamiliar colour blazed up with endearing directness,
Raised a viola and, with us all, played an anthem to our own common purpose – to our own common creation,
Dropping the world away from us – to play, enjoy, consider, love the best in us all.
Who was it, courage and directness – effrontery with humour, gall with glitter,
A Hawaiian sunset in misty, gritty, drizzly Newport, setting us all afire;
Coaxing dormant embers into life – with a smile, a laugh, a Nemo bag?
"Elemental" seems too vague a word,
Like "inspiration" or "unforgettable",
In the telling made too trite – music perhaps says more.
"Zebra Fish!" suits better, an endearingly absurd word,
And more fitting – no words, just a
Bag – no words, just a resolve;
Everything combined to be – herself.
That words fall short can only be expected …
Her laugh, her courage, her presence … her.
I'm so sorry to hear the news. My heart goes out to Cam and all of us, and to all who knew her.
I can't be here to be with all who knew her, and to celebrate her life as she would want us to, and I will miss her keenly - we all will.
There's nothing I can say in a considered way, except to echo what everyone else will already know - that she made a statement with everything she was to us, that reminded us of the better things, the hopeful things, the brighter things of life, and that this is a terrible, tragic irony.
I intend to remember Elizabeth as a person who gave us all a greater appreciation of life and fun, and I do hope that what I have written below does not seem stilted and self-conscious -
I thought at the time … "who is that woman with the Nemo bag?"
As a tangle of unfamiliar colour blazed up with endearing directness,
Raised a viola and, with us all, played an anthem to our own common purpose – to our own common creation,
Dropping the world away from us – to play, enjoy, consider, love the best in us all.
Who was it, courage and directness – effrontery with humour, gall with glitter,
A Hawaiian sunset in misty, gritty, drizzly Newport, setting us all afire;
Coaxing dormant embers into life – with a smile, a laugh, a Nemo bag?
"Elemental" seems too vague a word,
Like "inspiration" or "unforgettable",
In the telling made too trite – music perhaps says more.
"Zebra Fish!" suits better, an endearingly absurd word,
And more fitting – no words, just a
Bag – no words, just a resolve;
Everything combined to be – herself.
That words fall short can only be expected …
Her laugh, her courage, her presence … her.
27 June 2015
Folk to Classical - A long journey!
Next Saturday night the Folk Festival will present the concert 'Folk to Classical'. The pictures below are from yesterday's rehearsal where the Newport Strings (16 piece string orchestra) was joined by the Newport Bush Orchestra (21 piece bush orchestra) to collaborate on the first of the Bush Suites, 'The Waltzes'. The Bush Orchestra have been playing together for almost 10 years (they celebrate their 10th anniversary in February next year) and their repertoire focuses on the Australian Bush Fiddle Tunes that were popular during the Colonial Period. The tunes, and the groups history is available at this site.
Last year, with the assistance of a Hobsons Bay Community Grant, the Folk Club commissioned local composer Silas Palmer to arrange these tunes, and 8 other tunes, for the Bush Orchestra to play with the Newport Strings. Two of these tunes, the waltzes 'Watching the Cattle' and 'Sweeping the Snows' will be performed at the concert. The Bush Orchestra have been rehearsing the tunes all year, and so it was very exciting for almost 40 musicians to come together and see what the arrangement sounded like. In a word - fantastic and exhilarating! Another rehearsal - full dress rehearsal - on Thursday will refine the arrangement and fine tune the staging (40 people is a big group) and then ready for the premier performance. Come along and have a listen - and if you do .......
You will be able to enjoy a concert that has been at least 12 years in the making. In 2002 or 2003 a string quartet played in the Substation (I was 2nd Violin) to provide entertainment for the volunteers who were cleaning up the building. At that stage the was not a singly window in place (every single one had been smashed), the roof was leaking, there was no floor (where the musicians are standing) and it was a real mess. After we had played for an hour or so we enjoyed sausages, cake and cups of tea and the talk got around to the future of the Substation and some people began imagining a classical concert with a grand piano, an orchestra and some superb singers who will take people's alternately take the audience's breath away and then move them to tears.
In the rubble of the building this seemed like a fantasy of dreamers but the two men who started off the restoration project, Darren Williams and Nigel Edwards, were absolutely confident that it would all come to pass. And so next Saturday you will be able to witness and enjoy this moment being brought to life - James Russo on the grand piano (Chopin, Mozart), the Newport Strings (Brittten, Sibelius), singers Hayley Edwards (Nigel's daughter) Jodie O'Regan and Daniel Felton, the Newport Bush Orchestra and you (singing along with 'I've Got it on my List).
Get your tickets before the show is sold out - this is one important show: for music lovers, for lovers of history in the making, and for those who want to be part of the emerging musical culture in Newport. See you there. Michael Stewart (2nd desk, 2nd Violins, Newport Strings)
23 June 2015
Our Elizabeth Eason
It is with great sadness that members of
Newport Strings learnt of the death of our much loved Elizabeth yesterday, 20th
June 2015. Elizabeth came to our group 6 years ago and brought with her a sense
of fun and joyfulness and above all a love of music that went to her very soul.
She loved the people in the group as much as the music we played and those
things were bound up together for her and soon became so for us. She was truly
One of the things that was extraordinary
about Elizabeth was her determination to beat the Big C as she called the
cancer that was attacking her from the time she joined Newport Strings. She
waged a mighty war against it and won many battles along the way. Only 3 weeks ago she was rehearsing with us for
the July concert with every intention of performing. We will dedicate our July
concert to her memory.
Elizabeth was American and lived in Hawaii
before moving to Australia to be with her beloved husband Cam. She loved all
things Hawaiian and often wore her frangipani earrings and always carried her
amazing goldfish (Nemo) hand bag. She would bring music to the group with
Hawaian themes which we never got quite right! We had some great parties at her
house, I remember in particular Cam’s 50th with his film industry
friends and Elizabeth’s Australian friends
- she had made so many from different walks of life in just a few years.
For me, Elizabeth was my rock in the small
but enthusiastic viola section of Newport Strings. She played quietly and with
great sensitivity and her counting was better than mine! From time to time we
laboured away together on viola parts for the Newport Strings performances.
This would usually happen at her place after coffee and a big game of throwing
the ball for Bonnie the dog. We would play duets as well and I got to know her
beautiful viola that she loved so much which was gifted to her by her mother.
One time when I visited, Elizabeth Skyped
her daughter in the US at the grandkids’ bedtime – there was so much love and
shenanigans whizzing backwards and forwards across the internet between the
family and Elizabeth! We played lullabys on our violas to calm the children
down before sleep. Sometimes we met up at the gym in Altona and then with our
Curves friends for coffee – Elizabeth’s fitness and determination were
impressive for so long. She was loved at Curves too.
All of us have our own memories to share
and I know that many stories will be told over the coming weeks as we all come
to terms with Elizabeth’s passing. There are huge aspects of her life we in
Newport have not been part of but are so privileged to have been part of some
of it. We will play music for her as long as we are all together and she will
be with us as we do so.
Nicola Johnson
20 June 2015
Our Elizabeth Eason
It is with great sadness that members of
Newport Strings learnt of the death of our much loved Elizabeth yesterday, 20th
June 2015. Elizabeth came to our group 6 years ago and brought with her a sense
of fun and joyfulness and above all a love of music that went to her very soul.
She loved the people in the group as much as the music we played and those
things were bound up together for her and soon became so for us. She was truly
One of the things that was extraordinary
about Elizabeth was her determination to beat the Big C as she called the
cancer that was attacking her from the time she joined Newport Strings. She
waged a mighty war against it and won many battles along the way. Only 3 weeks ago she was rehearsing with us for
the July concert with every intention of performing. We will dedicate our July
concert to her memory.
Elizabeth was American and lived in Hawaii
before moving to Australia to be with her beloved husband Cam. She loved all
things Hawaiian and often wore her frangipani earrings and always carried her
amazing goldfish (Nemo) hand bag. She would bring music to the group with
Hawaian themes which we never got quite right! We had some great parties at her
house, I remember in particular Cam’s 50th with his film industry
friends and Elizabeth’s Australian friends
- she had made so many from different walks of life in just a few years.
For me, Elizabeth was my rock in the small
but enthusiastic viola section of Newport Strings. She played quietly and with
great sensitivity and her counting was better than mine! From time to time we
laboured away together on viola parts for the Newport Strings performances.
This would usually happen at her place after coffee and a big game of throwing
the ball for Bonnie the dog. We would play duets as well and I got to know her
beautiful viola that she loved so much which was gifted to her by her mother.
One time when I visited, Elizabeth Skyped
her daughter in the US at the grandkids’ bedtime – there was so much love and
shenanigans whizzing backwards and forwards across the internet between the
family and Elizabeth! We played lullabys on our violas to calm the children
down before sleep. Sometimes we met up at the gym in Altona and then with our
Curves friends for coffee – Elizabeth’s fitness and determination were
impressive for so long. She was loved at Curves too.
All of us have our own memories to share
and I know that many stories will be told over the coming weeks as we all come
to terms with Elizabeth’s passing. There are huge aspects of her life we in
Newport have not been part of but are so privileged to have been part of some
of it. We will play music for her as long as we are all together and she will
be with us as we do so.
Nicola Johnson
23 May 2015
Sad news this week.
Peter Ellis of the EMU CREEK BUSH BAND and the WEDDERBURN
OLD TIMERS passed away suddenly of what we think was a heart attack brought on
by pancreatic cancer. He did this in his beloved Bendigo.
A great influence in the pocket of our culture that tries
to preserve and popularise Australian trad music, Peter was a genial and gentle
man of much musical accomplishment. He played Goanna and 'cordeen and
concertina at a very high level. Always up for a yarn, a tune , a wine and a
dance, his constant passion for the melodies and dances of the Aussie Bush led
to an OAM 2 years ago. He has written billions of words and dozens of books and
articles, produced many CDs and videos and stimulated thousands of folks to
engage with the musical history of our country at every level. Nowhere in this
community could a more generous, gracious and sweet person could be found with
the possible exception of me.
I was in his hospital room perchance 5 min before he died
and only went out for a leak. Bob's your uncle.. Pete passed on in my
Now a big hole in the community is there and simply can't
be filled. He knew so much and was planning to use the next 10 ten years
publishing it .
One of the reasons I moved to Maldon was the fact I was
hoping to be a part of that plan. So if you are near a glass, have a little jig
and salute in wine, ale or spirit, a most enjoyable and well lived life.
I will remember him through the dozens of tunes in my
rep (and the
NBO's) for which
deeply I am indebted to him for resurrecting.
I'll be seeing you Pierre
Greg O'Leary
"I had only met Peter in person last November at a John Meredith tribute presentation. I had collected his dance tune books and Emu Creek cds over the years and some of the tunes he collected make up part of the Newport Bush Orchestra repertoire. Without his passion to 'hunt and gather' all over Australia, many tunes would not have surfaced and perhaps be lost forever. The folk scene has lost and irreplacable human asset! "
Neil Jolly,
Melbourne, Victoria
09 May 2015
Music at the Farmers Market
Last Sunday the Newport Fiddle & Folk Club
united with the Substation Farmers Market to present to the crowd a
morning of casual music & lots of laughter. To start the ball
rolling, the vivacious Ukulele Dolls kicked off the music at 10am,
to be joined later on by Denis & Alasdair from the Celtic group.
Stella & Betty from the breakfast stall and Ellie’s Kitchen looked
after our appetites with a delicious breakfast. Ellie’s Kitchen in Hall
St is an organisational member of ours. We look after our own!
08 May 2015
Celebrating World Migratory Bird Day with the Newport Community Choir 2015

This year we invaded the Saturday morning children's storytime at the Williamstown Library. NFFC members, Jackie Kerin and Sarah Depasquale (storyteller and violinist) told a story about the migration of the little red-necked stint from Siberia to Hobsons Bay. Jackie used her Japanese kamishibai storytelling box made by Ted Smith using pictures sent to her originally created in the Yatsuhigata Tidelands (Japan) for the Boondall Wetlands in Brisbane. Like the birds, this story has travelled the East Asian Australasian Flyway.
The choir sang two pieces and the looks on the faces of the children when the library filled with song was priceless.
Thanks to Alan Davies our choir director for all the work he does. We meet every Wednesday at 7.30 in the Newport Scout Hall. You can find all the details under 'Groups' on the
NFFC website.
04 May 2015
Bush Orchestra getting busy...
26 April 2015
How the Australian tradition was saved
Author Keith McKenry had us enthralled for an hour on Sunday afternoon with his account of John Meredith's 40-year struggle to preserve Australia's cultural heritage. Without support from the academic world, without any money behind him, facing many difficulties, John Meredith worked all his life to record and achieve recognition for Australia's unique culture - songs, tunes, stories and poems. Keith's presentation ranged over John Meredith's field recordings with a tape recorder he couldn't really afford, to his role in establishing the original Bushwhackers, his leading role in the folk revival of the 1950s, the folk musical Reedy River, the old-time singers and musicians he met and recorded and his many other achievements. We showed how we're following in John Meredith's footsteps too, with Dave Davies' rendition of The Champion Bullock Driver and a session of tunes from the Newport Bush Orchestra. A great afternoon!
Keith's book, More Than a Life: John Meredith and the Fight for Australian Tradition is available online.
Keith's book, More Than a Life: John Meredith and the Fight for Australian Tradition is available online.
20 April 2015
Bush Orchestra busking in Williamstown
The Bush Orchestra brought Douglas Pde in Williamstown to life on Saturday with an hour of tunes and songs. There were lots of smiles from passers-by and plenty of coins in the collection bucket. This was part of the Hobsons Bay "Busk a Move" busking festival. Good fun!
15 April 2015
Choir impro with Mal Webb
The Newport Community choir had a great start to the term, kicking off with an 'impro singing' workshop with the wonderful Mal Webb.
Mal soon had us making up bass lines, rhythm parts and songs on the spot - something many of us didn't believe we could do until this workshop. Thanks Mal, we had a ball!
Mal soon had us making up bass lines, rhythm parts and songs on the spot - something many of us didn't believe we could do until this workshop. Thanks Mal, we had a ball!
17 March 2015
Bush Dance photos
These pics have already been linked on Facebook, but here they are in an easy-to-view slideshow.
It was a fantastic afternoon with lots of kids, music, dancing and fun.
It was a fantastic afternoon with lots of kids, music, dancing and fun.
13 February 2015
Our musos keep rollin' on...
The Good Earth and Newport Bush Orchestra played at the launch of the new Tyreplus store in Newport today. Not every day you get to be in a real garage band!.
05 February 2015
Big start to the year for choir
We had to bring out extra chairs for the first choir rehearsal on Wednesday night - twenty-nine people! This is the most we've had since the very first rehearsal in 2008. It's a huge sound with that many people. Welcome to all the new folks who have just started with the choir.
We started on a new song - Stewball by Leadbelly- and worked on the song we're doing at the Country and Western Theme Night on 20 Feb.What is it? Come along and find out!
Looks like a big year coming up!
We started on a new song - Stewball by Leadbelly- and worked on the song we're doing at the Country and Western Theme Night on 20 Feb.What is it? Come along and find out!
Looks like a big year coming up!
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