What a lovely night at the Substation for the Carols. This year the folk club was joined by Strings West, Newport Gardens Primary School Choir and a range of other performers and a full house of enthusiastic audience members. It was a lovely way to celebrate Christmas and the end to another very successful musical year in Newport - our 10th! The after-party at the Bowls Club gave everyone a chance to enjoy a few drinks and enjoy the community spirit that was so evident at the Substation.
17 December 2014
29 November 2014
Club Night
Greg O'Leary reviews our final Club Night for the year...
Talk about a feel good session!
Talk about a feel good session!
Sadly I can't cover all the
performers but every single one enhanced the already warm and positive
atmosphere. Since H and I are unlikely to attend many from now on, I am going
to focus on the highlights for us. Apologies to those folks who I fail to
1) Rob Richmond did two things, both beautiful. He made
maximum use of his moderate technical skills and massive innate talent to
produce beautiful music. It was a joy to hear a tune I taught him get such a
sensitive treatment. His Ashokan Farewell sounded even better. A beautiful
2 ) Jackie Kerin, after five minutes of totally
un-necessary, self-deprecatory preamble, sang a wonderfully poignant Woodie
Guthry song that saluted our now extinct dear friend Rob Durbridge. It would
surely find him in the musical aether. Jackie always sings with passion and in tune, plays her
instrument well and thinks about her songs deeply. Tears don't come to my eyes
for nothing. Thank you Jackie.
3) Jason Ashwell. Jason
would be the first to agree he is not a born performer. He like so many
has a deep fear of being made to look foolish in public, musically speaking
that is. Neither he or I have any real idea of why he puts himself through such strain, but I for one am glad he does. His performance of Body and Soul will stay with
me permanently. So complete and expressive, so well played and at such an emotional
cost. Wonderful stuff Jason.
4) The Tall Boys and Suanna Harvey played Celtic a la Martin
Hayes and boy did it sound good! The essence of a good band is complementarity
and for me the three of them illustrated that perfectly. Each voice, clear in
its own right, supported an strengthened
the others. A treat to be there to hear
5) Tassie Bill
Gordon Prest has left our shores and Tassie Bill has lost his musical mate. They epitomized everything
I love about this club. Their love of
music is deep and they applied themselves
to performance assiduously. They select
material that emphatically moves them and it shows. I loved all of their
somewhat amateurish performances because
of the immense heart they exhibit . They would probably prefer to be really hot players . That ain't goin' to
happen anytime soon. What they are is
interesting and emotionally generous. Bill picked a cracker of a song to sing
about the Valhalla cricketers. I have heard
none better in the Aussie vernacular. Thanks Bill.
6) The crazy poet. He
is an enigmatic tour de force, fantastic in his own gestalt. He treats us like
his audience of thousands in the Colosseum. Prancing and primping like some
17th century French courtier he delivers the goods every time. A self-penned
poem or song , monologue or just plain harangue he has a way with words, tunes
and a presence that is amazing. Last night was a half finished poem that evoked Shakespeare at his best . I
loved it even though I had no idea what it was about. He also is a shameless
7, Dave Davies performance of Eureka was a poignant and
fitting epitaph to Rob Durbridge. Dave performed with the gravitas needed to
bring it to life and team-mate Margaret
quietly nudged him along. the right track. I can't remember my middle name so how he can
get through such a long and not often performed piece is beyond me totally. Rob
would have loved it.
8) Helen and Sarah
Helen does not put herself
forward EVER. Last night she took the
bull between the horns and she and Sarah nailed a Mazas study totally. I had
heard it a hundred times as she practiced
it but not like this! The two of them sounded awesome. I know
her journey well and so I can say how pleased and proud she did this.....way
out of her comfort zone, it heralds a new stage in Helen's music . She is
already a way better Irish fiddler than me. What next.
Sara made my night by leaving
her comfort zone and also nailing it. She is one of Australia 's great violinists and
can sight-read flyshit at 20 paces. last night she at my jocular, bullying
instigation she took a solo over a jazz standard without any preparation, no
sheet music and at a moment's notice and it sounded fantastic. An impromptu
improvised almost cadenza-like effort that simply thrilled me ! Wow!
9) I hate choirs ! Actually I hate the concept
of me being in a choir ! I actually
love the idea other people raising up
their joyful inspired voices in a kaleidescope of harmony and good-will in a
feelgood team enterprise. I just can't do it myself. I am more self-conscious
in a group like that than any other situation outside group sex with men. So I
was surprised when last night both Hel and I joined in the group singing. It
says a lot for the Paisley and Plaid team.
10) Bruce Williams picked two
tunes to do, that got everyone going. That was generous and good-spirited of
him. He could have chosen to do one of his many pieces , all of which are at
the top end of musicality and skill. That would be reasonable as there is
always a time and a place for excellence. but he chose to use his skills to
assist others in joining in. I found that to be a highlight for me.
11) The Uke Dolls
I just love them . I cant
remember all their names: Allison, Carol, Moira, Ruby ,Rose Anna....I dunno,
but for sheer spirit, enthusiasm , and entertainment value and the wonderful
corny songs they sing they cannot be beat. Moira I confess is my fav. To pick up bass uke at 75+ and make fist of it
is awe-inspiring.
12) Others. I have run out of steam. Love potion
No 9 , Rickola, Alan's Joe Hill. Marks Newport song I just cant remember.
One more was Mike Stewart.
Mike has had a confronting
week or so, just returning from Bangladesh
where things are tough for so many and coping with Rob's death with whom he was
close. The round circle folk night is his healing circle. He might lead the
night but the joy he gets from watching others fulfill themselves is real and
almost tangible (or is it palpable?) . Anyway he honored his friend with a
really well written and profoundly well done song and while there are many, the
committee and many others who sustain this activity, it really is down to him
that a lot of this happens and is sustained over the long term. It is good to
be his friend and moving 100 miles won't change that.
Greg O'Leary
18 November 2014
Newport Community Choir and La La Ville Live@Newport
What do you get when you put together Newport Community Choir and La La Ville? If you like anagrams, the answer might be "Manic lip-crew love to thrill you, man" or "Lyrical men croon at volume with lip." (Thanks to Mark Fawcett for those.) On Sunday afternoon, what we got was an afternoon of great choir music. The two choirs joined forces for a few songs, then each performed some its own repertoire, and then recombined for a big finish with the audience singing too!
09 November 2014
Vale Rob Durbridge
Today we received the sad news that our dear friend Rob Durbridge passed away this morning. He was in hospital and had been ill for some time.
Rob was a long-standing club member and was often seen (and heard!) at club gatherings until he and his wife Wendy made the 'tree-change' move to Landsborough a few years ago. Even after the move, Rob made the trip down for several Festivals and other club events.
Many club members will remember Rob's ringing banjo and his gentle, emotional singing. Two songs particularly will always remind us of Rob; The Changi Banjo by Lee Kernaghan, and Rather Have Your Love by Shane Howard. Those were his 'signature tunes', and if he didn't sing at least one of them at an event, someone would be sure to ask him!
Rob will also be remembered as the leader of 'Songs of Love and Resistance' at several Festivals - a delightful open jam session that attracted seasoned performers and newbies alike. The event was a tribute to Rob's friendly and inclusive style, and the high regard in which he was held by all.
Rest in peace Rob, we miss you. We will remember you as we knew you - with music.
Rob was a long-standing club member and was often seen (and heard!) at club gatherings until he and his wife Wendy made the 'tree-change' move to Landsborough a few years ago. Even after the move, Rob made the trip down for several Festivals and other club events.
Many club members will remember Rob's ringing banjo and his gentle, emotional singing. Two songs particularly will always remind us of Rob; The Changi Banjo by Lee Kernaghan, and Rather Have Your Love by Shane Howard. Those were his 'signature tunes', and if he didn't sing at least one of them at an event, someone would be sure to ask him!
Rob will also be remembered as the leader of 'Songs of Love and Resistance' at several Festivals - a delightful open jam session that attracted seasoned performers and newbies alike. The event was a tribute to Rob's friendly and inclusive style, and the high regard in which he was held by all.
Rest in peace Rob, we miss you. We will remember you as we knew you - with music.
02 November 2014
NBO Triumph At Maldon!
Our brief was to make the main street come alive with music and that was exactly what we did. It rained and shone and froze us and cooked us but the weather didn't stop the NBO from exhibiting one of its best performances Ever. We were rusty from the winter layoff but the old magic came to the fore and we attracted audiences of 40 and 50 as we rattled out local melodies by the dozen. All up we played for about 8 hours over 2 days and many gluttons went and joined other buskers just for the craic as the Irish say.
The tunes workshop went well and we have left a permanent positive impression on the punters who rolled up to participate. They will never forget Harry McQueens Jig!
Present at various times in our group were: Kathryn , Mark Allen, Adrian Clark, Wendy Love, Greg OL, Neil Jolly, Maryanne Charles, Dennis Charles, Bruce Williams, Kerry Duke appeared twice, Annete, Alan Davies, Trevor, Alasdair, Rhonwyn.
Again and again we prove it is the spirit that shines out of our musicmaking. This festival I could not think of anyone else I would rather be playing with (except maybe Animal from the Muppets).
Well done everyone!
Greg O'Leary
26 October 2014
NBO Plays at Bulla Railway Family Day
Our fourth time playing for this wonderful organization.
Extended Families via Leila arrange this day for carers of kids with disabilities.
Our main fare was the Australiana but later on we just played what came into our heads which happily was a LOT of stuff!
We have again seen at first hand, the wonderful theraputic qualities of a cheery upbeat musical vibe.
This year Aaron came back to play with us, but seemed more fixated on the poster advertising our performance.
He also fell in love with a dripping tap close by, which enchanted and distracted him mightily, but we all still got a wave goodbye as he left. His mate Eric was more resonant with our efforts, or to be more specific Rhomwyns' flute and Alasdairs' whistle. Both mesmerised him. He could not see how the sound was made and Rhonwyn and Al patiently helped him in his own intense world of discovery. We got a goodbye wave from Eric as well. All the parents told us how much they and their kids loved the music, even though somtimes it wasn't as clearly apparent as we normally expect. We could see that that appreciation can be expressed in a number of very different ways and after 4 years we are getting good at its interpretation.
A number of lovely little interactions with other kids took place over the 4 hours we were there. I made a kitten noise on the violin and this 3yo lovely Chinese girls' face just shone with joy! So easy to do and such a reward for me!
These little acts were trivial to us but you could see the kids' excitement and interest. A wonderful day for everyone.
Attendees were: Rhonwyn, Dennis, Maryanne, Rosaleen,Neil, Mark, Annete, Trevor, Me, Alasdair and Shipmate Dave. Apologies from the two Bruces and Veronica.
Thanks all for coming.
Extended Families via Leila arrange this day for carers of kids with disabilities.
Our main fare was the Australiana but later on we just played what came into our heads which happily was a LOT of stuff!
We have again seen at first hand, the wonderful theraputic qualities of a cheery upbeat musical vibe.
This year Aaron came back to play with us, but seemed more fixated on the poster advertising our performance.
He also fell in love with a dripping tap close by, which enchanted and distracted him mightily, but we all still got a wave goodbye as he left. His mate Eric was more resonant with our efforts, or to be more specific Rhomwyns' flute and Alasdairs' whistle. Both mesmerised him. He could not see how the sound was made and Rhonwyn and Al patiently helped him in his own intense world of discovery. We got a goodbye wave from Eric as well. All the parents told us how much they and their kids loved the music, even though somtimes it wasn't as clearly apparent as we normally expect. We could see that that appreciation can be expressed in a number of very different ways and after 4 years we are getting good at its interpretation.
A number of lovely little interactions with other kids took place over the 4 hours we were there. I made a kitten noise on the violin and this 3yo lovely Chinese girls' face just shone with joy! So easy to do and such a reward for me!
These little acts were trivial to us but you could see the kids' excitement and interest. A wonderful day for everyone.
Attendees were: Rhonwyn, Dennis, Maryanne, Rosaleen,Neil, Mark, Annete, Trevor, Me, Alasdair and Shipmate Dave. Apologies from the two Bruces and Veronica.
Thanks all for coming.
19 October 2014
Bush Orchestra at Iramoo Open Day
Our first outing for the 2104 Spring/Summer season went over well
at the community day at Iramoo Community Centre in Wyndham Vale.
I rolled in with a relaxed attitude and a sore back to find the Ukelele Dolls starring onstage. We followed with a set of good old BO favorites. Present were: Rosaleen,Dennis,Maryanne, Neil, Katherine, Mark, Annette, Mira, Alasdair, Christina, Trevor, Kerry, Rhonwyn and me. As is now usual, an amazingly coherent and vibrant sound emanated from our somewhat haphazard group. Our traditional good vibe added to the open day and our second bracket bush-danced our way into the hearts and minds of the 6 totally enthusisatic dancers that Neil coaxed up to dance in 30C heat. Amazingly the change came just as we sped the Troika up to our traditional 200bpm. Had it not arrived the dancers would have had heart attacks.
Annete bought me a lovely sausage on bread with yummy onions. Rhonwyns' flute stopped working (this was not a good thing), Mark's new tamborine minus cymbals was a hit. Dennis , Trevor and Kerry shone sartorially. Rosaleen and her Vielle had to be kept away from the mike as it was SOOOOO loud! Katherine held it all together as usual and it was a great start to our summer season.
Pics on the Facebook page.
I rolled in with a relaxed attitude and a sore back to find the Ukelele Dolls starring onstage. We followed with a set of good old BO favorites. Present were: Rosaleen,Dennis,Maryanne, Neil, Katherine, Mark, Annette, Mira, Alasdair, Christina, Trevor, Kerry, Rhonwyn and me. As is now usual, an amazingly coherent and vibrant sound emanated from our somewhat haphazard group. Our traditional good vibe added to the open day and our second bracket bush-danced our way into the hearts and minds of the 6 totally enthusisatic dancers that Neil coaxed up to dance in 30C heat. Amazingly the change came just as we sped the Troika up to our traditional 200bpm. Had it not arrived the dancers would have had heart attacks.
Annete bought me a lovely sausage on bread with yummy onions. Rhonwyns' flute stopped working (this was not a good thing), Mark's new tamborine minus cymbals was a hit. Dennis , Trevor and Kerry shone sartorially. Rosaleen and her Vielle had to be kept away from the mike as it was SOOOOO loud! Katherine held it all together as usual and it was a great start to our summer season.
Pics on the Facebook page.
07 October 2014
Artists, farmers and musicians
NFFC musos were both inside and out at the Substation on Sunday. Inside at the Artists Market it was a great lineup with Newport Strings, Paisley and Plaid, Angelicats, Bruce Williams and Friends and then Great Minds. Outside at the Farmers Market, Folkus were keeping the customers entertained. It was a beautiful day with lots of music.
08 September 2014
Timbers/Angelicats Live@Newport
We had a great afternoon at the Bowls Club on Fathers Day with The Angelicats and The Timbers. What a great lineup! The Angelicats are becoming multi-instrumentalists - Lynn brought out the bass guitar for a couple of songs and Fran showed her skills on the mandolin - and their vocal harmonies just get better and better. Then the Timbers gave us a couple of fantastic sets, with everything from sweet 3-part harmony to high-energy dancing music. See photos for the result! (If you can't see the slideshow below, you can view the pics on Picasa.
27 August 2014
24 August 2014
New logo
Here's our new logo, designed by Megan Slattery. We launched it at the 10th Birthday dinner on Saturday night. Over the next few weeks we'll roll it out to the website, emails, banners and publications.Keep your eye out for the new look!
06 August 2014
Stories by the Fire at the Newport Folk Festival 2014
OK I'm a festival tragic, I admit. But this one is my favourite. This is my local and with my community we plan this party for months. My friend Gerry Nelson took these exquisitely expressive photos at the storytelling event that I host every year. I added a little video and friend Bruce Williams gave me permission to add an instrumental piece form his CD 'Me and the Walls'. It all started 7 years ago.
Come and join us at the next one July 2015.
Jackie K
Come and join us at the next one July 2015.
Jackie K
03 August 2014
15 July 2014
Festival photos
Photos from the Festival are now available. See below for slideshow. Many thanks to photographer Mel for her great work.
07 July 2014
Festival photos and comments
Head to our Facebook page for photos and comments from our fabulous Festival last weekend. More photos available soon...
21 June 2014
PIckin' with Justin
Our guitar pickin' workshop with Justin Bernasconi drew about 15 guitarists to Outlets on Saturday afternoon for a couple of hours of finger-twisting, coordination-challenging playing. Justin started simple - "the right thumb is the key to this style of playing" was his central message and he showed us how to use the thumb to lay down a solid rhythm for the rest of the pattern. Then it was on to more advanced playing, with syncopated beats, bringing in the styles of Mississipi John Hurt and Big Bill Broonzy. Justin also answered lots of questions, about chord fingering patterns, the most efficient way to play finger-picking styles, to different types of strings and guitars. We went away with some tab-sheets for further practice and heads full of new ideas and information. Thanks Justin, a great afternoon!
26 May 2014
Newport Bush Orchestra - Learning, Playing and Enjoying on Monday Night in Newport
Another night of lovely music with Greg O'Leary and the NB). Click Newport Bush Orchestra to see pics of the musos deep in concentration.
23 May 2014
Andre de Quadros visits Newport Community Choir
This week the Newport Community Choir was lucky enough to have eminent conductor and music educator Andre de Quadros visit and be our 'guest conductor' for one rehearsal. Andre certainly challenged us with a tricky body-percussion routine, overlaid on our familiar repertoire song Sylvie. He also taught us a new song and led us through an improvisation activity, something we've only touched on briefly before. The hour and a half simply flew by! A great opportunity to expand our musical horizons. Thanks so much to Andre for fitting us into his busy schedule!
18 May 2014
Choir at Theme Night
As usual the Newport Community Choir took to the stage (well, the floor actually as the stage is too small) for a couple of songs at the Live@Newport Theme Night. They wowed the audience with the Leadbelly classic Sylvie and Erskine Hawkins' Tuxedo Junction. This was the first time the choir had performed without Alan Davies conducting; Alan had another gig that night so Kathryn Tomkins took his place and did a great job. Congratulations Kathryn!
12 May 2014
Newport Community Choir singing for World Migratory Bird Day 2014
Newport is situated in a wonderful environment where industry and people jostle for space. Over the past two decades we have learned, and council has responded, to the needs of urban wildlife and the link between their survival and habitat. Our wetlands and tidal flats play an important role in the lives of many species of migratory birds many of whom travel between here and Siberia every year. This year the Newport Community Choir joined with 86 other groups around the world in celebrating and raising awareness of the migratory birds: think Algeria, Denmark, Mongolia, Tunisia, Ukraine,
Madagascar ... just to name a few.
We decided to single out the work of a Friends Group who were planting on WMBD and treated them to a Flash Mob. The look on the faces of the Newport Lakes Friends Group when we appeared with our banner over the crest of the hill singing about the flight of the Eastern Curlew, was a sight to behold. Particularly lovely that there were children there.
Newport Lakes and the NFFC enjoy a warm relationship; every year the Newport Bush Dance is held in the park, so it was even more fitting that this was the particular group we chose to honour on this special day.
Learn more about our Choir HERE
World Migratory Bird Day HERE
Madagascar ... just to name a few.
We decided to single out the work of a Friends Group who were planting on WMBD and treated them to a Flash Mob. The look on the faces of the Newport Lakes Friends Group when we appeared with our banner over the crest of the hill singing about the flight of the Eastern Curlew, was a sight to behold. Particularly lovely that there were children there.
Newport Lakes and the NFFC enjoy a warm relationship; every year the Newport Bush Dance is held in the park, so it was even more fitting that this was the particular group we chose to honour on this special day.
Learn more about our Choir HERE
World Migratory Bird Day HERE
11 May 2014
Celebrating the 125th Anniversary of the Old Laverton School 3 May 2014

Nothing if not versatile! NFFC Storyteller Jackie Kerin and Alan Davies (Newport Community Choir) joined forces to recreate an assembly as part of the celebrations of the old one-teacher Laverton school.

Jackie demonstrated the old art of string storytelling and then told a story about that Irish bushranger who had been hanged just 8 years before the school was opened.
The Old Laverton School is a beautiful acoustic venue if you are looking for a place to make music: HERE
05 May 2014
Greg O'Leary and the NBO - The Rhythm of Newport
Greg and the Bush Orchestra having a lovely play on Monday night - all sounds terrific, some new people, new tunes and lots of good energy. After the success of their busking gig in Willy they are set to kick of the festival in July with the opening night jam session. If you have a yen to play, come along one night and see how it all works, and why it has continued now for more than 8 years. Playing music together is definitely one of life's simple pleasures.
27 April 2014
Newport Bush Orchestra Busks a Move at Willy
The Newport Bush Orchestra warms a few heart cockles at Williamstown on Saturday 26 April
As part of Willy Council's Busk-A-Move,
NBO personnel braved the winds and rain to strut their stuff in Douglas Pde for an hour on Saturday.
True to the BO ethos the word was put out for performers and the response was very respectable. Chrises K and H, Bruces W and S, Mike S, Cat T, Greg O, Anette, Trev, Steve, Rob R, Big Al, Bill, Corrie and Bo arrived and treated passers by to the BO experience.
The effect was immediate and gratifying. You coud feel the mood of the shoppers lighten and once we remembered to put out the hat, the cash started pouring in. Our sound and demeanour generated spontaneous goodwill and we had shop assistants jigging and cameras clicking away as we ran through our feral and chaotic repertoire.Our administrative office Heather (appointed there and then on the spot) was kept busy stopping the 10's and 20's fluttering away.
We spent it on well-deserved coffees afterward as we bathed in our very transient glory.
All agreed it was a good way to spend an hour in Willy. Oh! .... and we continued our tradition of bringing audience members to tears as a young mum saw her 6 month old bairn keeping quite good time with Anette's
tamborine. She was thrilled!
One pic - more on the way .......
As part of Willy Council's Busk-A-Move,
NBO personnel braved the winds and rain to strut their stuff in Douglas Pde for an hour on Saturday.
True to the BO ethos the word was put out for performers and the response was very respectable. Chrises K and H, Bruces W and S, Mike S, Cat T, Greg O, Anette, Trev, Steve, Rob R, Big Al, Bill, Corrie and Bo arrived and treated passers by to the BO experience.
The effect was immediate and gratifying. You coud feel the mood of the shoppers lighten and once we remembered to put out the hat, the cash started pouring in. Our sound and demeanour generated spontaneous goodwill and we had shop assistants jigging and cameras clicking away as we ran through our feral and chaotic repertoire.Our administrative office Heather (appointed there and then on the spot) was kept busy stopping the 10's and 20's fluttering away.
We spent it on well-deserved coffees afterward as we bathed in our very transient glory.
All agreed it was a good way to spend an hour in Willy. Oh! .... and we continued our tradition of bringing audience members to tears as a young mum saw her 6 month old bairn keeping quite good time with Anette's
tamborine. She was thrilled!
One pic - more on the way .......

26 April 2014
Singalong and Club Night
Some pics from 2 recent events; the Live@Newport singalong and the first Club Night at the Newport Scout Hall. Both firsts, and both great nights!
14 April 2014
‘Bilarni’. A new show from Jan (‘Yarn’) Wositzky, friend of the Newport Fiddle and Folk 2014

In ‘Bilarni’ Jan examines the man and the
myth; the story as he tells it is neither sentimental nor uncritical. He brings
great depth to the telling with rich layers of information, multiple Aboriginal
languages, Australian dialects, and ‘Englishes’ superb evocations of characters
that could only be encountered in the north of this continent. Jan’s musicality
is evident throughout, particularly so when it comes to the mastery of Harney’s rhythmical speech patterns. Lovers of language and literature will be seduced
by Harney’s depth of feeling and perceptions, expressed so eloquently. This a
storytelling at its best!
‘Bilarni’ will be enjoyed by anyone who
loves a good yarn and a wild ride.
Sign up for Jan's e news HERE
Facebook HERE
Catch the show at the National Folk Festival Saturday 19 April HERE
Pics: We made our Newport house available for Jan to perform 'Bilarni' to a small audience before taking it on the road to the National Folk Festival.
Jackie Kerin
17 March 2014
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