Here they are pictured in full flight for our festival next weekend. Red Cat, with Kerry Dawson, Rob Carrol and Mike Daley are a treat with their range of songs and beautiful harmonies, and Eddie and Marc, of Braemar, supported by Geoff on Pipes and Colin McLeod on fiddler finished the festival with all the passion and vocal strength that they are renowned for.
Pictured centre are friends Bill and Tot, of Warnambool with their great mates Marcia and John from Doncaster. They came to Kilmore specifically to see Braemar, and were very disappointed that prior commitments mean they can't come to Newport next week. However they put the first weekend in July in their diaries for 2010 and have got on to the mailing list to hear about all the good music that is happening down this way. Welcome to our website folks and we look forward to seeing you sometime soon.